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NYC Abortion Capital
New York City:
Abortion Capital of the U.S.

LIFE DIGEST: NYC still U.S. abortion capital

Jan 23, 2006 | By Tom Strode | Baptist Press

WASHINGTON (BP)--New York City has maintained its hold on an infamous title -- abortion capital of America.

The New York Daily News reported Jan. 15 the following recently released statistics from the city's Department of Health to illustrate why the Big Apple deserves the designation:

-- There were 74 abortions for every 100 births in the city in 2004.

-- Of every 100 pregnancies in the city, 40 resulted in intentional abortions, far surpassing the national average of 24 in 2002, as estimated by the Alan Guttmacher Institute. (In New York City in 2004, there were 124,100 live births, 91,700 induced abortions and 11,700 spontaneous abortions.)

-- Abortions in New York City for out-of-town women increased from 57 to 70 of every 1,000 between 1996 and 2004.

On the same day, New York Magazine gave more insight into why the city is the country's abortion capital:

-- The ratio of abortions to births is one to one in some parts of the city.

-- New York City has "more abortions performed on minors, more repeat abortions and more late abortions (over 21 weeks)" than any other United States city.

-- Seven of every 10 abortions performed in New York state occur in its most populous city.

-- There are 34 clinics in New York City that perform more than 400 abortions apiece each year.

"New York City has fashioned itself as being the philosophical center of 'abortion on demand,' and it has a thriving industry to show for it," Christina Fadden Fitch told the Daily News.  Fitch is legislative director of the New York State Right to Life Committee.

If the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion were to be overturned by the Supreme Court, the city's abortion clinics could gain an even greater share of the killing business.  The reversal of Roe would return abortion to the domain of each state.

In recent years, many states have approved abortion restrictions, such as parental notification and waiting periods. New York state, meanwhile, "has remained an island of unrestricted abortion rights," New York Magazine reported.

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