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The Reformation has never ended. It is just beginning.
Jesus is condemning the use of any such religious title. Jesus, in these few sentences, is making it very plain what the nature and quality of leadership in His community was going to be.
His leaders would NOT assume titles or positions.
Any man who claims to hold a position of authority in the church; any man who claims that "he is clothed with the authority of Christ"; any man who claims "ministerial dignity" or that he "occupies a sacred office" is a fraud and directly contradicts the teachings of Jesus Christ!
THE OFFICIAL SITE "Not in word only, but in power.." 1 Corinthians 4:20 webmaster@wickedshepherds.com
To those of you who are now scrambling to try to think of some argument to the contrary: Will you submit to the authority of Jesus' teaching in the Scriptures?
The “church” is to receive its concept of authority and leadership from the teachings of Jesus, not from the institutional concepts of the world; and neither from "your church fathers" or your current seminary teachings!