DISTORTED: ..dis•tort•ed; [dih-stawr-tid]; -adjective
1) Not truly or completely representing the facts; 2) twisted, as with an aberration or bias; 3) to cause to work in a twisted or blurred manner; 4) to turn away from the expected or proper direction; 5) a deformation of an image; 6) to give a false, perverted, or disproportionate meaning to.
DEFORMED:•formed; [dih-fawrmd]; -adjective
1) To mar the natural form or shape of; 2) put out of shape; 3) to change the form of; 4) transform;
5) to change the original state; 6) to disfigure as if by twisting.
PREFACE: Like a dead corpse rotting away, today’s “organized/institutionalized local church system” bares virtually no likeness or semblance to what was once a living and vibrant community of believers who knew what is was to be set free from the entanglements and the yokes of bondage. But right off....
What would you say is the number one responsibility of Bible translators, or any translator for that matter? Would you agree in saying that the main function of translators is to convert written material from one language into another language, making certain.....
How did the Greek word Ecclesia, meaning a called out assembly, congregation or community, come to be translated "church", a word that is neither Greek nor English but is of.....
In Jesus' day, when the government or organization wanted to announce a gathering, they would send a herald, a chronicler, an announcer, who would call out the purpose of the meeting, who should attend, place, time etc.
Those who attended that particular.....
So far we have looked at only a fraction of the history that so many Christians are unaware of. There is so much about this issue that could be said. Does it bother anyone (considering the resources of information, concerning history and the original writings of Scripture we have available at our very fingertips) that we.....
Another facet of ecclesia in which many believers (as well as non-Christians) were striving for within their assemblies (ecclesia), was that of "freedom of speech." Since the exercise of free speech was so important.....
The Scriptures demonstrate over and over again that Truth has always been hated by the masses of mankind, but especially by those who hold so-called “positions or offices of authority” inside a.....
Most Christians are totally oblivious to the spiritual warfare that is constantly being fought, both from within, as well as from without. Yes, we are at war against the spiritual armies of the evil one. If you think.....
Paul wrote "to the church (ecclesia) of God which is at Corinth...'' (I Corinthians1:2). The word "ecclesia" has no limitation in and of itself. So to identify that specific part of God's people to whom he is writing, Paul added the limiting phrase.....
As stated many times on this site, countless marriages and families are in total shambles as a result of the false teachings and practices of the institutional churches around the world. In an authoritarian, abusive institutional church system......
CLOSING REMARKS and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We are all by nature, so slow to fully accept anything that is contrary to our present beliefs, even if those beliefs are false. Once we have been programmed with a belief, be it true or false, we.....
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