Here are some of the best books on the market today for anyone who has been, or is presently involved in an abusive church environment.
For the individual who has broken free; for the person who is still trapped in the "system" and cannot escape; and for the actual abusers themselves who are caught up in their "authority gone wild," these books will stir your soul. They are excellent.
You will not be disappointed.
Check them out at your local Christian book store, or they are available right now on
( has probably the best price available anyway. For your convenience, I placed the link for the books to go straight to amazon. Just highlight your mouse over the book cover and "click.")
This book shows how people get hooked into abusive systems; the impact of controlling leadership on a congregation; and how the abused believer can find rest and recovery.
● "Click" the link above ●
A bestselling novel presenting the hypocrisy of Christian legalism and a man's search for the only surviving member of his family.
● "Click" the link above ●
No stone is left uncovered. A thorough historical survey of the first 300 years of church history and verse by verse studies of key chapters adds compelling evidence as to why tithing is a false teaching for today. This book will help loosen the bonds of financial voo-doo that the many churches preach today. It’s a book that your pastor will hate, but that you will love.
● "Click" the link above ●
Also, a great book exposing the evils of tithing in the church today
"Legalism is a perversion of true Christianity, and one that needs to be examined by every believer," explains the author. "Legalism hurts families. Always. Eventually."
● "Click" the link above ●
What happens when you reject the teachings of Scripture and the example of the apostles?
A recipe for tyranny.
"Obey them that have the rule over you and submit." What does this REALLY mean?
"Stated Meetings?" Where is this found in the Bible?
Some recommended materials that you can read immediately:
Should church leaders "bind the consciences" of God's people to care for their pastors? What saith the Scriptures?
Read why "c-h-u-r-c-h" has evolved into something else!
The local institutional church has become a cesspool of human iniquity; a quandary of religious bondage to the whims of men. Heed the warnings HERE.
Read how these serial killers of the soul operate
each and every week.
Who are the "MANY" who prophesy, cast out demons, and do many wonderful works in Jesus' name? Who is Jesus REALLY warning us about? Is anyone listening?
When loyalty to, or dependence upon, any church or any "church leader" ever comes close to being equal to your loyalty and love to your husband, then you are so sick spiritually that you can't think straight.
Jesus, the King, “delegating His authority” to so-called church rulers, HAS NO BASIS IN SCRIPTURE WHATSOEVER, and this publication will prove it to you.
Is "skipping church a bad idea and spiritually dangerous?"
This article examines and exposes this unbiblical hot air and
blows it out of the water.
Then, “the pastor” (Pastor John) died and stood before God. And then, God said......
Jesus never held regularly
scheduled meetings.
So when a “local institutional church” meets together, what does that
mean specifically?
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The Reformation has never ended. It is just beginning.
There is absolutely nothing whatsoever revealed in God's Word about the primacy and exaltation of a specialist who issues forth a monologue Sunday after Sunday, notwithstanding the literally myriads of messages to the contrary.
See and learn from the Scriptures the Truth.
HOW and WHY do people who profess to be Christians get "going to church" from the Bible? This brief article will clearly answer that question and show, FROM THE BIBLE,why "going to church" is UNbiblical.
THE OFFICIAL SITE "Not in word only, but in power.." 1 Corinthians 4:20
Being freed from church
and free in Christ
..How much more absurd can it get..
Click the speaker button below and listen to a short audio and/or video feed illustrating the utterly absurd and preposterous statements made in the course of a sermon by this week’s clergyman.
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A sign of “spiritual maturity” is NOT listening to something that you already agree with and then muttering a loud “Amen.” NO!
A sign of true spiritual maturity is listening to something that you don’t want to hear or may not agree with and then praying,
“Lord, show me what I need to hear and what I need to change.”
“Your Under-Shepherds”
1) An unbiblical term that the unbiblical local institutional church along with its unbiblical “leadership” has foisted upon God’s people.
Pastor: “We are your under-shepherds sent by Christ to rule over
the flock.”
You will NEVER, EVER experience the fullness of Jesus the Christ within the walls of a local institutional church.
For which is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? Is not he that sitteth at meat? But I am in the midst of you as he that serveth.
Luke 22:27
See the truth come to life!
"The Pastoral Office"
“The ‘office’ of elder is essential to the wellbeing of the flock.”
Abandon Self-Appointed Authorities
There are also religious institutes, schools and seminaries promoting particular theologies and many allow for no critical thinking whatsoever.
Basically, you are spoon fed a theology and expected to regurgitate it perfectly when they become professional clergy to their group.
Under the auspices of professional clergy, doctrine can then be spoon fed to the laity and then they are held accountable for remaining loyal to that doctrine often at the cost of abandoning loyalty to family and friends.
The false authority of denominations and sects frustrates further needed reform and conformity to the Word of God.
Christ alone is our head and when some other is allowed to impose religious authority over you (no matter how well intentioned), you have allowed them to usurp Christ’s authority and they can only degrade your relationship with Christ.
Ross Purdy
When you read something in the Bible that CLEARLY contradicts what you had been taught at church, what do you do?